Are your most important tree risk assessments undercooked?

2023-01-19 9:58 AM | Admin (Administrator)

We know from pedestrian data, the centre of built-up areas have a Likelihood of Occupancy that's so high, on average more than one person is exposed to the risk.

Occupancy is Very High.

Tree Risk Target People - Very High Occupancy
More than one person exposed to the risk

We also know from traffic data, the busiest roads have a Likelihood of Occupancy that's so high, on average more than one vehicle is exposed to the risk.

Occupancy is Very High.

Tree Risk Target Vehicle - Very High Occupancy
More than one vehicle exposed to the risk

Where we have busy roads next to busy footpaths in towns and cities, we know the combined occupancy of people AND traffic is so high, on average more than one person AND one vehicle is exposed to the risk.

Occupancy is Very High.

More than one person AND more than one vehicle exposed to the risk

We know other tree risk assessment systems systematically undervalue Very High Occupancy. From the training we’ve delivered, we also know tree risk assessors have been poorly trained to recognise both Very High and High Occupancy.

What all this means is unless you’re using VALID, and have had Likelihood of Occupancy training (it’s really easy once you're calibrated), you’ll be undervaluing the occupancy where it matters most.

If you're undervaluing the occupancy, you'll be undervaluing the risk.

You’ll be undervaluing the risk by at least a whopping factor of x10 or x100.

A 1:1M risk might be as high as 1:10K.

A Low Risk might be a High Risk.


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